Thursday, January 13, 2011

Journeying towards the connection of spiritual wellness to mental and physical wellness

First of all, the connection between spiritual, mental and physical wellness is that they are all needed to achieve integral health and human flourishing.  Also the key role towards wellness and healing is the connection of the mind, body and spirit  (Dacher, 2006).  For example it involves both inner and outer aspects of life.  They are also considered the goals to human flourishing towards happiness, wholeness, and holistic health.  Our physical wellness covers the outer aspects of life while our spiritual and mental wellness involves the inner aspects of life.  Dacher (2006) discusses our physical wellness is vital to total wellness because it addresses the biological aspects of the anatomical, physiological, spiritual, and mindful aspects of the body towards illness, infection, virus or disease itself.  As for our spiritual  and mental wellness, both addresses an individual’s mental being such as awareness and gaining control of one’s mind through stress, anxiety, and depression and an individual’s relationships and social involvement.  Overall spiritual, mental and physical wellness addresses all other factors that play a role in one’s life.  It is one’s way of surviving and reaching some type of fulfillment.   Therefore, in order for an individual to achieve total wellness, they must achieve total wellness of the mind, body, and spirit.  apply all aspects of human experiences in their life in order to receive total healing.  And in order to achieve total healing as a whole requires the interconnection of the mind, body and soul.  Each affects one another and leads towards a healthier and more fulfilled life. 

Dacher, E. S. (2006). Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Laguna Beach, CA:
Basic Health Publications.

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